Detached Youth Work

The Detached Youth Work teams operate without the use of a building and takes place where young people "are at" both geographically and developmentally.

We deliver informal and social education and addresses whatever needs are presented to or perceived by the youth worker.

As Detached Youth Workers have no physical building over which they have power or control, the relationship between young person and youth worker is entirely voluntary and constantly up for negotiation.

The teams are highly experienced in working with all groups of young people; from some of the most challenging and vulnerable young people in the community, to groups of young people who just ‘hang out’ with nothing better to do. 

The team works in areas where they are most needed; known as ‘hotspot areas’ working with young people aged between 11 and 19.

The team supports young people to raise their aspirations offering them new positive experiences that aims to give the young people the right information and self-awareness to make positive decisions in their life and for the future.

They have access to a mobile resource known as the Kontactabus, working with young people in the community enabling youth workers to build trusting relationships and to create discussion; identify the issues faced by young people and by the community, delivering brief interventions on substance misuse, staying safe, healthy relationships. Youth workers support young people to address these issues. 

For example support may include:

  • Links to other support agencies

  • Support for accessing training

  • Discussion on decision making and personal journey

  • Challenges and implication discussion on behaviour

  • Involvement in issue-based projects

  • Participation in positive activities

  • Involvement in community initiatives which give something back to the community

Meet the Team

Life Cycle

The LifeCycle Programme is a personal social development intervention using bikes and youth workers to engage with targeted young people who are vulnerable to exploitation, crime, exclusion and who are otherwise difficult to engage in traditional youth support activities.

The utilising of bikes as method for engagement offers young people who may otherwise find conversation uncomfortable or difficult a unique opportunity to engage with a youth worker.

For more information contact Mike Holbrook

Life cycle students
lifecycle at night
Lifecycle team

New Horizons

New Horizons LGBTQ+ support and social group is a weekly group which provides young people aged 13-19 with a safe space to explore their gender identity and/or sexuality.

The group is based in Wallasey but is open to young people from across Wirral. Within New Horizons young people can access advice and support with their personal journey from trained staff as well as their peers. The space enables young people to form friendships and support groups within their own community, which they can access outside of the group setting.

During New Horizons sessions young people have opportunity to engage in issue based sessions as well as exploring identity and LGBTQ+ specific sessions that promote acceptance, diversity and inclusivity.

For more information contact Katrina Maxwell

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