Need help finding a Job?

characters doing a job search

Are you thinking about trying to find a job? Joanne Smith spoke to us about the work they are doing to help young people find a job.

Wirral Council have teamed up with the European Social Fund have come together to offer something that may be of interest to you to get you moving into Work, training or College.

It doesn’t matter if you have no qualifications, lots of qualifications, feel for whatever reason you cannot engage in anything. Do not despair, we can help you. You might be a young single parent, have drug or alcohol problems, have got a criminal record, you are from an ethnic background and feel isolated. You might have mental Health, you might not want to leave your home. We have get you back on track and support you every step.

I am nervous about going anywhere? - This is a problem with a lot of young people so you are not alone. We will go with you to interviews, arrange to collect you and take you if you feel that will help. If you need support from an agency we will arrange this and support you to get there until you feel confident.

I have no experience or qualifications for work? This doesn’t matter, the most important thing is you want to work, you want to turn up, you want to try your best! The rest we can sort out for you.

How much will I get paid if I go into an Employer with a grant? You will be paid the NMW for your age for 35 hours, less if you have a disability or mental health preventing you from working 35 hours.

Who finds me the Employment? The team of dedicated staff will match your personality skills to a possible suitable employer. You will do a short trial to ensure you like the Employer and they like you, once this is agreed you will commence your Employment.

Who employs me, the Company or the Council? You will be given an offer letter and contract of Employment so you will be officially employed by the Company who you are working for. We pay the company a grant for 3 – 6 months to cover your wages. By the end we hope you have made a difference and they want to carry on with you.

What if they don’t want to keep me at the end of the Grant? We work closely with the Employer and visit you regularly whilst you are working. If this breaks down we will try our best to place you somewhere else if it just not worked out.

I have mental health or a disability so I cannot work or go to college full-time is that an issue? – We can work with an employer to offer you hours that suit you. The colleges or training providers will make allowances and ensure you are happy with the arrangement.

How do I apply? For the PIP programme which is a programme which helps you to address your issues first. Email Joanne Smith: and she will send you a Referral Form to complete and return.

For the Ways to Work ILM straight into employment. Please send your CV to saying what type of work you want to do.

For advice and support on preparing for work, interviews and CV writing contact

or visit Career Connect


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