ZILLO Youth Awards: Nomination Categories Part 2

Yesterday we announced the first of our nomination categories for ZILLO Youth Awards. Today we are continuing and announcing our next round of nomination categories. Nominations open this 9 am this Friday here at ZILLO.

creative trailblazer

Creative trailblazer

Are you a game designer, a comic book writer, or maybe a wildlife photographer? Do you build things - 3d printing, Lego, Minecraft or an actual craft? Are you the world’s fastest knitter?

Whatever your creative skill you could be in with a chance of winning a Zillo Award so show off, tell us all about it. Get ready to fill in a nomination form on Friday for the ‘Creative Trailblazer’ Award.

mental health ambassador

Mental Health Ambassador

Have you taken on your own mental health and won? Are you still battling? Do you teach people about how important mental health and wellbeing is? Do you spread the word, challenge discrimination, fight prejudice and fight for people’s mental wellbeing?

If so, be proud. Get ready to fill in a nomination form, be ambassador-like for yourself or someone you know, and maybe it will be you who is the ‘Mental Health Ambassador’ winner.

bravery and courage

Bravery and courage

Have you been involved in something that took a huge amount of bravery and courage? Did you abseil off a building when your biggest fear is heights? Have you helped someone in a serious crisis situation, or are you brave everyday by fighting an illness or overcoming problems because of a disability?  

Bravery and courage can come from a small achievement, the nominee doesn’t need to have saved someone from a burning building (not something we recommend here at Zillo – safety first at all times please). It could be a small action that still required a massive amount of courage. That person might not be aware of how brave you think they are, so get ready to nominate them this Friday.


ZILLO Youth Awards: Nomination Categories Part 3


ZILLO Youth Awards: First Nomination Categories Announced