Duke of Edinburgh Places available at Tranmere Rovers

tranmere rovers football stadium

 Tranmere Rovers in the Community have limited free places available for young adults aged between 14-24 on both Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award opportunities, with free expedition equipment provided.

Duke of Edinburgh Award is a great opportunity for young people to socialise, gain new skills, and take part in an unforgettable adventure while also strengthening their job prospects with an impressive qualification to add to their CVs. 

As well as building up skills around the project, the young adults will embark on an expedition with friends, providing them with the opportunity to explore the countryside and stay on a residential trip overnight camping.

Thanks to help from Steve Morgan Foundation, we are able to offer free places on both our bronze programme for beginners who have not completed their D of E Award before, as well as our silver programme for those who have already completed their bronze award and are looking to progress further. 

There are four sections to the Award – volunteering, physical, skills, and finally the expedition. The youngsters complete a minimum of three months on each section, before finally embarking on the expedition and complete a camping trip with the friends they have made. 

If you are in Year 9 or above at school and would like to get involved, please email LiamF@tranmererovers.co.uk for more details. 


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HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022