Football for Change - Transforming Futures for NEET Youth

football and foot

Are you a young person aged 18-24 who is not in education, employment, or training (NEET)? Do you have a passion for football and dream of pursuing a coaching career? Tranmere Rovers Football Club has an exciting opportunity just for you!

Introducing 'Football for Change'

Tranmere Rovers is thrilled to announce the launch of our groundbreaking project, 'Football for Change.' This initiative is specifically designed for young people like you who share an interest in football and aspire to embark on a coaching pathway.

What's in it for You?

By joining 'Football for Change,' you'll have the chance to achieve the prestigious FA-accredited 'Introduction to Coaching Football' qualification. This certification serves as a stepping stone toward the UEFA C License, opening doors to a promising coaching career in football.

But that's not all! The project offers a comprehensive experience, including:

  • Weekly football, fitness, and sport sessions to hone your skills and stay active.

  • Engaging education workshops to boost your knowledge and confidence.

  • Inspiring guest speaker sessions featuring Tranmere Rovers staff, offering invaluable insights.

  • An exciting visit to the National Football Museum in Manchester, a memorable experience to wrap up the project.

Grab Your Spot Today

We have limited spaces available, with just 12 slots up for grabs, and the best part—it's entirely FREE! We invite all eligible young people to sign up or be referred by Thursday, September 21st, 2023. Act fast to secure your spot in this life-changing program.

Here's How to Get Involved

  1. Refer Young People: If you know someone who fits the criteria, refer them to this incredible opportunity. Share this link with them: Football for Change Sign-Up.

  2. Sign Up Yourself: If you're eligible and eager to be part of this transformative journey, use the link to sign up today. Football for Change Sign-Up.

Mark Your Calendar

Once registered, participants will be invited to an information session and induction the following week. The official start date for 'Football for Change' is Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023. Get ready to kick-start your coaching dreams and embark on a path to a brighter future with Tranmere Rovers!

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to combine your love for football with valuable skills and experiences. 'Football for Change' is set to transform lives—join us on this exciting journey!


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