Getting started Journaling

The idea of keeping a diary that records your day to day routine for some might seem like a pretty boring thing to do. Keeping a journal though can be a fantastic way of helping you to formulate ideas, express yourself, develop your art, creativity, improve your language and writing skills and improve your ability to manage your emotions and how you react to them.

Journalling is a way of actively storing ideas and a place to put pent up energy and emotions. It allows us to explore our emotions and experiences in a really creative, free, safe and personal way.

Getting started.

You don’t need fancy paper and pens to start journaling. A notepad, sketchpad, or you can just fold some A4 paper in half and use some staples on the edge to hold it together. Keep a working pen, pencils nearby and you have everything you need to get started.

Things to consider.

Journaling is a personal experience, its your place to record you emotions, experiences, ideas and creativity. Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar, journaling is a rule free zone.

Some people will draw, sketch, collage, write, scribble, paint, tear, keep memorable objects like cinema tickets. Make it your own and allow yourself some freedom to experiment.

The Blank Page.

Making a start is always the hardest part and a blank page can be a intimidating thing to consider. You could just start by writing some words about an idea you have or how you are feeling but if your really stuck here’s a few ideas to get you going.

  • Make a list. (Food, things to do, plans for the year, ambitions, songs)

  • Draw something

  • Write to your pet

  • Write a letter to yourself about what has been happening to you

  • Finish this sentence: I’m feeling angry because, sad, worried, happy, proud etc

Like we said it doesn’t have to be a serious thing your journal should be something you enjoy doing and over time it will become something you will likely really value in helping you process and manage your emotions and wellbeing.

This fantastic video from The Bliss Bean is a great place to start in getting some ideas on how and why you should start journaling now!

For more information on Journaling visit National Geographic


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