INVIGOR8 Feb half term activities

fitness class

We know the weather isn’t playing ball this week but there is still plenty of things to do this Feb half term across Wirral.

INVIGOR8 Active All Sports Holiday Programme

(Activities provided for young people with disabilities and specific needs)

21st, 22nd and 23rd Feb



Venue: Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre Time: 10am-12pm (5 – 11yrs) 1pm – 3pm (12yrs +) Cost: £3 per person

· Join us for a fun range of sports and mini games.

· The session will include a range of sport hall games e.g. bench ball, cricket, basketball, handball, dodgeball etc. Limited Places Available Siblings Welcome Extras:

· All participants should wear clothing and footwear that is appropriate for physical activity.

· Long hair should be tied back.

· Participants to bring their own refreshments. Meeting Place: Please meet and register at the centre’s reception area.



Venue: West Kirby Concourse Leisure Centre Time: 10am-12pm (5 – 11yrs) 1pm – 3pm (12yrs +) Cost: £3 per person

· Join us for a fun range of sports and mini games.

· The session will also include a range of sport hall games e.g. bench ball, cricket, basketball, handball, dodgeball etc. Limited Places Available Siblings Welcome Extras:

· All participants should wear clothing and footwear that is appropriate for physical activity.

· Long hair should be tied back.

· Participants to bring their own refreshments. Meeting Place: Please meet and register at the centre’s reception area.



Venue: West Kirby Concourse Leisure Centre Time: 2pm – 3pm (All) Cost: £6 per booking (max of 4 per booking)

· Make a splash with this fun, recreational session in the pool.

· Please note that parents and carers will need to support their children in the water. Limited Places Available Extras:

· Children unable to swim, under 8 years, or with complex needs MUST be accompanied by a parent/carer.

· Pool hoist available on site.

· Long hair should be tied back.

· Participants to bring their own refreshments. Meeting Place: Please meet and register at the centre’s reception area.



Venue: Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre Time: 10.30am-12pm (5 – 11yrs) 1.30pm – 3pm (12yrs +) Cost: £3 per person

· Join us for a fun range of mini games and activities incorporating all the elements of tennis. Limited Places Available Siblings Welcome Extras:

· All participants should wear clothing and footwear that is appropriate for physical activity.

· Long hair should be tied back.

· Participants to bring their own refreshments. Meeting Place: Please meet and register at the centre’s reception area.

Participants wishing to take part in any of the timetabled activities MUST book onto each session by emailing and completing the booking and consent form provided. Please note: Although coaches & volunteers will be assisting with activities, parents/carers should attend booked session should your child require extra assistance, support, or is new to the sessions. Please do not attend any of the booked sessions if you have tested positive for COVID -19, waiting for the results of a PCR test, or if you are displaying COVID -19 symptoms, (a recent new continuous cough, high temperature, a loss or change in normal sense of taste or smell). For further information and enquires please contact Stacey Addison on 07825402594

Consent forms to be send to Stacy Addison


RAMPWORX Active this Feb Half Term


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