Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner and Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership have set a challenge.

Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner and Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership have set our young people a challenge.

Where are our budding young artists??

Merseyside’s Police and Crime Commissioner and the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership are merging their Youth Diversion and Arts | Culture | Sport Funds together to make one super youth fund which organisations can bid into for a single cash grant for the whole of the year.

Our brand-new YES Fund (Young Person Empowerment Scheme) needs a logo and we’re asking for the help of you to design it! We want the logo to reflect all the amazing opportunities our organisations. It should reflect all the different type of activities that young people can do to unlock their true potential and divert themselves away from crime. Think dancing, canoeing, arts and crafts, football, boxing,forest school, yoga, music and so many other activities.

This is not a logo for the Police Commissioner or the Violence Reduction Partnership. 

This is a logo specifically for the new YES fund.

Be creative, be innovative, be colourful.

Please send all designs to:

Good luck! We can’t wait to see your logos and please do let us know if you enter.




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