One Kind Word

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This week is National Anti Bullying Week. Bullying is a really serious issue that affects a lot of children, teenagers and adults.

In order to fight back against bullying we need to raise awareness about it to everyone involved in the process like you, parents, carers, teachers and the wider public. This week we will be talking to a range of different people from young people affected by bullying to those able to help you deal with it if it should ever happen to you.

This years National Anti Bullying Week theme is ‘One Kind Word’. The world feels like it is in a pretty crazy place right now with COVID-19, climate change, politics, and mental health issues playing largely on people’s lives. No more than ever it’s important to show kindness to the people around you. Kindness has the power to break down barriers, heal damaged lives, and make someone’s day.

Anti-Bullying Week was started in 2005 and since then has grown into one of the biggest anti-bullying events in England with thousands of schools taking part each year. The idea behind this week is simple — bring together as many people as possible under one umbrella so that we can work together on this common problem and make our world a better place for everyone!

We don’t plan for negative situations like bullying to happen to us and when we are in those situations it can feel pretty overwhelming, you may even feel like nothing will change maybe even turn the blame upon yourself. Showing kindness to someone can help break these feelings, give them a moment of levity and by showing kindness to another they will inturn pass that kindness on to someone else, therefore creating one big giant social circle of kindness.

So show someone a bit of kindness today, it’s infectious.

If you are being bullied or are concerned someone else maybe visit Bullybusters for helpful advice.

You can also get advice online to Kooth who will be able to talk to you about how you are feeling and give you some advice on getting the right help to make it stop.


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