Staying Safe this Summer

A summer festival

Summer can be a time to relax and let loose however its important we stay safe whilst we have fun.

Here’s some advice on how to have a good time whilst staying safe;

  • It's important to know where’s safe and where’s not. So it's a good time to know whether you can tell the difference. If your friends ask you to come with them to a place you’ve never been to before it’d be best to ask them about it, what exactly this place is and where. If you don’t want to go or feel unsafe then you can always not go, don’t feel pressured into going somewhere you feel unsafe or don’t want to go to. It’s also a good idea to inform your guardian where you're going and if you’re going somewhere else just so they know that you’re safe.

A night club
  • Another vital skill is being able to say no, if you are being pressured to try or to do something that makes you uncomfortable you need to be able to say no. Even if all your friends are doing it and they say its fine but you don’t want to do it then of course it's ok to say no, don’t do anything that you don’t want to do or don’t think is a good idea, especially if you think its wrong.

a tree saying no
  • Don’t get involved. If someone walks up to you and offers you something, tells you to come with them or tells you to do something that seems wrong then don’t talk to them, don’t take what they offer you and don’t tell them anything they might ask after and most importantly, get away from them. If something seems wrong or makes you feel uncomfortable then tell someone straight away, the best option is someone of authority such as a police person but you could always go into a shop and ask a worker or tell someone trustworthy on the street (normally someone with kids).

a girl refusing something
  • Summer is that time of year when you have lots of time to focus on yourself and your wellbeing. It's important to socialize and hang out with your mates for your mental health but sometimes you can feel overwhelmed. So it would be a good idea to sometimes take breaks from activities with friends and take some time to work on yourself: whether mentally or physically you’ll make an improvement which will make you feel much better about yourself.

a girl on a swing

In conclusion, stay safe and enjoy your summer holidays!


Free performance workshops for young people this summer


Interview with Alison Weir