School Holiday Countdown

Eight young people jumping for joy smiling and raising their hands in the air

Holidays mean a break from school routine

If you aren’t already on summer holiday from school its only a matter of days now……

Although it might seem very exciting to have six or seven weeks off school, it can actually be difficult to manage the school holidays for loads of reasons;

Parents or carers may work and you might have to look after younger siblings

You might get easily bored

The weather might be rubbish and you get stuck inside

You could miss school bus catch-up chat time, or lunch and break chats

Some of you might just miss the routine of just going to school.

If you are struggling or need someone to talk to there are Youth Workers across the Wirral in youth clubs and on outreach in local parks and places where you guys might hang out. You could call Response on 0151 666 4123 or Childline on 0800 1111 or you could go on Kooth to speak to a counsellor or just get some support. There is also someone to offer you a friendly ear.

Young man sitting outside with a fed up and bored look on his face

Don’t Be Bored!

So, what can you do to keep busy and stay well and safe? Youth clubs across the Wirral will be running free activities, check out our ‘GET INVOLVED’ section for more details.

White neon sign against a black background that says 'do something great'

Maybe you may have holidays or day trips booked with family, but if not here are some ideas of things to do…. there’s always something to do!

  1. Visit a museum - many museums are free

  2. Tidy and change stuff in your bedroom

  3. Skateboard

  4. Visit the beach and do a mini litter pick (or at the very least don’t leave any more litter!)

  5. Take a picnic to the park

  6. Go on a bike ride - there are projects locally where you can do bike maintenance, learn skills and cycle HYPE Urban Bikes (HUB)

  7. Do a make over, hair, nails, foot massage

  8. Watch a movie and write a review for the Zillo - at home or at the cinema

  9. Read a book from the library and write a review for Zillo

  10. Write a book or make your own short film

  11. Write a poem

  12. Learn origami

  13. Teach yourself how to knit

  14. Make a tiktok in 20 different places around the Wirral

  15. Bake a cake

  16. Learn how to order a coffee in 10 different languages

  17. Choreograph a new dance and teach your besties

  18. Fill your social with photos of things that all the same colour

  19. Design your future tattoo

  20. Set yourself a screen-free challenge

    These may seem boring, but a wise person once said

    only a boring person gets bored”.

    Just try something new and see what it feels like, if you don’t like it that’s fine at least you gave it a go.

    We will post up any feedback we get from your holiday adventures - just email us and let us know what you get up to.


Festivals, concerts, & summer parties….


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