Thinking Thursday, spotlight on services Health Services in Schools

Health Services in Schools (HSIS)

HSIS Youth Workers support young people in Wirral Secondary Schools, Wirral Sixth Form College and Wirral Met College.

Each school/college has a designated HSIS Youth Worker that provides young people with an opportunity to access confidential support on any issues which may be affecting them.

We provide support to young people on a wide range of issues and topics such as: building resilience, reducing risks, healthy relationships, sexual Health (including issuing condoms in some schools) drugs, alcohol, emotional health, Stress and Anxiety.

Get in Touch

Accessing your HSIS for support is really simple. HSIS Youth Workers work in Wirral Secondary Schools and Colleges. Simply find the youth worker connected with your school or college and click Contact Me. You’ll be taken to a MS Form. Complete the form and your youth worker will be in touch as soon as possible.

HSIS — zillowirral


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