Tidy room, Tidy mind…

Keeping a tidy room for some people may come easy and for others it’s a source of constant stress and anxiety. Having the people around you nagging you to clean your room is never fun.

Think of your bedroom is an extension of yourself. Your bedroom is the place where you start and end every day. As humans we are deeply connected to the environments we belong to, therefore a untidy bedroom can actually have some pretty negative effects on your life.

An untidy space can be a representation of someone’s mental state. There’s nothing wrong with being a bit disorganised from time to time but a clean bedroom is a fantastic way of keeping your mood in check.

Imagine coming home from a busy day in school or college. You’ve worked really hard and you feel tired and maybe even a bit stressed out. What effect do you think coming home to a clean room would have over a messy room?

According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who described their homes as cluttered, messy and full of unfinished projects were more depressed, tired and stressed out than those who described their homes as tidy and clean. A tidy bedroom also helps you to sleep better and getting decent sleep is vital to your mental health and wellbeing.

1 week make your bed challenge.

If you have an already messy bedroom it can feel an intimidating prospect to make a start on dealing with the whole thing.

Start by making your bed. Making your bed means puffing your pillows, straightening out your sheets and tidying up the bed cover. It takes a couple of minutes to do a good job but this is time well worth spending.

Try it for a week and see how quickly your mornings start feeling more positive, organised, and the great sense of accomplishment you get from doing it. You’ll know each day that even before you have left the house you have achieved something and that when you go to bed you can get straight with no hassle.

Before you know it you’ll be taking action on the rest of the room and anything else which may seem messy.


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