Wear Green on May 18th

Wear Green on May 18th to raise awareness about anxiety and mental health

This campaign is being organised by Mental Health Awareness Week

This years theme is anxiety - something which we know affects many of you young people especially around exam time.

Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem.

Lots of things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including exam pressures, relationships, starting a new job (or losing one) or other big life events. We can also get anxious when it comes to things to do with money and not being able to meet our basic needs, like heating our home or buying food.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can face.

Focusing on anxiety for this year's Mental Health Awareness Week will increase people's awareness and understanding of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem. At the same time, we will keep up the pressure to demand change - making sure that improving mental health is a key priority for the government and society as a whole.

But why wear green?

It might seem ages away but this years Mental Health Awareness Week ‘Wear it Green Day’ is in two weeks!

That only gives you two weeks to spread the word and raise awareness by wearing green on Thursday 18th May 2023.

The green ribbon is the campaigns chosen colour - what does the colour green make you feel like?

Find out all about it here


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