Money Matters
Your money matters!
Getting to grips with understanding how best to make the most of your money early in your life is a really valuable skill.
From planning your monthly spending budget, getting the best deals at the supermarket and making your money go as far as it can, there are a ton of tools to support you and your finances.
Get control of your finances
The Princes Trust have partnered with Money Advice Service (MAS) to bring you a range of top tools to help you take control of your finances.
Looking for something else?
If your finances or money issues are effecting your mental health and wellbeing be sure to visit our mental health and anxiety sections in the hub to find out more on how you can look after your mental health.
Further Support
Citizens Advice
Our Ask Us Wirral Information and advice service is being delivered by phone and Includes specialist benefits, debt and housing advice. Our Wirral office number is 0808 278 7848 or 03444 111 444 (national number) Calls are answered between 10am to 4pm.
Our Ask Us Wirral information and advice service is being delivered by phone and includes specialist benefits, debt and housing advice. To access Ask Us Wirral phone 0808 278 7848. Please note the phone lines are likely to be busy and you may need to leave a message so our team can get back to you.
If you can’t get through on our local number, you can try national Citizens Advice number 0800 144 8848 (freephone number) or Textphone 18001 0800 144 8884
For useful information about what Coronavirus means to you go to our website.
If you have now become unemployed or are self-employed but your income has dropped or need help applying for Universal Credit please call our Help to Claim team on 0800 144 8 444
Barclays Life Skills
Understand their money world and help them build good habits. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent or guardian, you can help the young people in your life develop good financial habits from an early age.
Telephone: 0345 600 232
Involve Northwest
Involve Northwest offers free support and signposting to community members via many projects including the Community Connectors, ReachOut - Job Coaches, Welfare & Debt Advice Team Advisors, Clear Minds Link Workers, Leapfrog and Lighthouse Domestic abuse centre teams.
Community support
Telephone: 0151 644 4500
Email: info@involvenorthwest.org.uk