5 New Year’s Resolutions you can actually keep.

people reading at a park bench

It’s that time of year again, Christmas is over and people are looking towards the new year. The time between Christmas and New Year is often a time for reflection and planning for the future. Every year many people will make new years resolutions which are basically a goal to work towards or something to achieve.

Setting and working towards achievable goals is something that can really help to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Often people set unrealistic goals that they may be unable to achieve and this can have a negative impact on your mental health.

Set your self small achievable goals that you can make part of your everyday life and be kind to yourself on the days you don’t manage to do them.

Here’s our top 5 New Years Resolution ideas to get you started.

  1. Get Outside

    It may sound a bit obvious but spending more time outside has been shown to improve your mental health, reduce stress, lift your mood and help you to feel more connected to your environment.

    You don’t need to walk miles and miles, simply just stepping out side into your garden, going the park or beach. It really doesn’t matter too much where you get your outdoors time just do it everyday.

  2. Take more notice

    Actively try to take more notice of what is happening around you. You could use a note book to write down your observations. Taking more notice of what is happening around you helps you to feel more connected to yourself, where you live, you place in nature and the people around your.

    Take notice of the weather, the changing seasons, the way the light changes the look of the environment, the way the rain sounds on your window. It doesn’t really matter what you take more notice of juts try it and see how it makes you feel.

  3. Move More

    Its easy to fall into the habit of sitting for long periods of time. Moving more have shown to significantly improve your mental and physical health. You don’t need to walk for miles just try to be disciplined in making sure you get some exercise in everyday.

  4. Clean Your Room

    Cleaning your room is much more than just having a tidy space, cleaning your room is really a first step in organising yourself. Your room is your personal space and in that sense you should treat it as an extension of yourself. Tidy room, Tidy Mind.

    Our environment has huge effects on our psychological wellbeing. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and bogged down when our environments are cluttered and unorganised.

    Cleaning your room is really a tool for improving your self esteem and mental wellbeing.

  5. Clean up your sleep routine

    Getting quality sleep should really be a high priority for everyone. Sleep effects all of your bodies function and poor sleep can have really obvious effects on your physical and mental wellbeing.

    Be sure to check out our Sleep section in the HUB for ideas and help on understanding sleep and how you can improve your sleep hygiene.


The history of the New Year


Happy Christmas!