A-Level Results Day - 17/08/23

envelope on a yellow background

Collecting them at college, or getting them by email, tomorrow is the big day!

Tomorrow is the big day for A-Level Results

If you get your A-Level results tomorrow we are with you! You might be hoping that your hard work paid off, or maybe you’ve realised that you could have done a bit more revision than you convinced yourself you actually did. Either way, it’s done, the results are in and your immediate future options are laid out ahead of you!

Congratulations if you smash it. Celebrate hard but safely. But if you don’t get what you need we hope this might help you to stay calm and think rationally.

First of all, don’t panic. You might be disappointed, upset, annoyed or shocked but it’s done now. Time to make positive choices with the results you did get.

The UCAS Clearing system gives people who didn’t the grades they needed for their preferred place choose another course. It also gives Universities the chance to fill spaces they have left on their courses.

So tomorrow when you get your results if you don’t get the grades you need for your first choice of university or college there are still options. It may feel like the world has collapsed around you but try not to worry. It is also good to know that you first choice may still let you in if you narrowly miss your grades so cover all bases and take positive action rather than wallowing in self-pity.

‘inews’ have written the following to step you through the clearing process - you can see the original article here but here are the important bits:-

“The 2023 clearing process has been open since Wednesday 5 July and will close on Tuesday 17 October.

Who is eligible for clearing?

You are eligible for clearing if:

  • you are applying to university after 30 June;

  • you didn’t receive or accept any offers;

  • you didn’t meet the conditions of your offers;

  • you have chosen to decline your firm place using the “decline my place” button in UCAS Hub;

  • you have paid the multiple choice application fee of £27.

How do I apply for clearing?

You can search for an apply to clearing courses on the UCAS website here.

Eligible candidates cannot add a clearing course choice on UCAS Hub until 2pm on A-level results day.

To apply, you will need to have your UCAS number, your clearing number, and all personal details to hand. You can get your clearing number from UCAS Hub.

Hub will make it clear that you are in clearing with a message stating “You are now in clearing”, or “clearing has started”.

Before you add a clearing choice in your application, you need to call the university and give them your clearing number.

Try to get informal offers over the phone.

Once you have permission from a university and have decided on your clearing course, click “Add clearing choice’” and fill in the course details on the UCAS website.

This counts as you definitely accepting the offer, so if they confirm, it will show as an acceptance on your “Choices” page in your application.

You can only add one choice at a time, but if the university/college doesn’t confirm your place, you’ll be able to add another.

Keep checking clearing regularly, as universities will not make all their places available at once.

Which clearing course should you choose?

It’s important not to be panicked into making a decision, think carefully about where and what you want to study – you will be there for the next few years.

Try making a checklist – what are the qualities you are looking for in both a course and a university?

Take a look around the campus of a university you are interested in – if you have the time, it’s the best way to see what a university is like, and most will be happy to meet you and show you around. Alternatively, see if they have a virtual tour or a virtual open day.

Consider different subjects – you don’t have to stick with your original idea. You could also look at joint honours courses, so you can study a mix of subjects.

Also make sure to check the course details. How is it structured each year? What modules make up each year? What are the entry requirements?

What is clearing plus?

Ucas introduced a new tool in 2020 called clearing plus, designed to make it easier to find your perfect course.

It gives university courses a ranking score based on how relevant they are to a particular student, displaying the best matched courses at the top of a bespoke list.

According to Ucas: “We look at your original choices you applied for, combined with your qualifications and grades.

“Universities and colleges have already told us what courses they’d like to make available in clearing plus (no, not all courses are included in your matches), and the entry requirements for them. Then, we analyse what students in clearing went on to study in previous years.”

While students are also urged to search for course themselves before making a decision, and expressing an interest in a course does not guarantee a place, it is hoped that clearing plus can help candidates to cut through the thousands of options on offer”

Here at Zillo we wish you all the very best of luck for positive news tomorrow.


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