When ‘The News’ Is Too Much

When is there any good news?

Its fair to say that there is rarely any good news on ‘the news’

In the olden days people would get all their daily news updates on the ‘wireless’ (radio), in the newspaper or just from local gossip.

Today we are bombarded with ‘NEWS’ It comes as ‘live news’, ‘breaking news’, ‘news of the day’, or a ‘roundup of news of the week/month/year’. We get it on our phones, through wi-fi, on the intranet, through the TV, some people do even still listen to the radio, while others rely on podcasts. It sometimes feels like an endless stream of doom and gloom.

We want your Zillo website to be informative and accessible and fun! We need ideas of what young people from the Wirral want to read about, what do you like about where you live? What articles would interest you? But in the meantime while we wait for your response we came across an article that we thought we could share about how we sometimes respond to ‘the news’.

It’s no surprise that sometimes we can feel frightened scared or overwhelmed by global, national or local news stories. Many Primary Schools use ‘BBC Newsround’ to keep their pupils up to date with what is going on in the world. The programme is designed for children and presents the stories in a safe and accessible way, maybe leaving out the scary bits. But that doesn’t mean it’s not scary. The War in Ukraine, Covid-19, the cost-of living crisis are all things that we might know about, but how do we manage if we feel like its ‘all too much’.

Last summer BBC Newsround wrote an article on how to manage feeling upset by the news. You can read it in full here BBC Newsround but we have also copied some of the main points for you:-

If you are upset by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings.

If the news has upset you, talk to an adult you trust about it. It's important to share what is troubling you.

It's important to remember that being sad, worried or angry about awful things that happen in the world around you is okay and perfectly normal.

You won't be the only one who feels that way.

Adults get sad and confused too, so there is nothing wrong with feeling like this.

Don't forget - terrible things are on the news because they are rare and do not happen very often.

Although people are spending a lot of time talking about it, it is still very unlikely that events like this will affect you or your family.

The most important thing is that if you are feeling upset, don't keep what's troubling you about the news to yourself.

Talk to an adult about the issue in the news that is worrying you.

That can help you to understand what is upsetting you, and help those feelings of sadness, anger or confusion to go away.

There are plenty of people to support you if you are feeling overwhelmed or worried. Speak to an adult you trust. Remember if it’s said, it’s out of your head.


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