Forging your own path

celia oliver

To celebrate National Youth Work week 2021 we are sitting down to chat to some of the amazing Youth Workers we have here in Wirral. Wirral has an amazing community of youth agencies, teams and services supporting young people across the borough with a huge range of services and opportunities.

Celia Oliver is a Youth Worker in Wirral who specialises in drug and alcohol and youth justice.

ZILLO: Celia how did you get started in youth work?

I got started in youth work initially as volunteer with Wirral youth offending service. My role was a community panel member. Sometimes when young people get arrested by the police for committing a crime end up in court. My role was help to see how their behaviour affected the people around them, their community and to help them get back on track.

ZILLO: How do you see youth work skills helping young people who may be involved in the youth justice system?

At youth justice I am there to help a young person navigate through the complex and sometimes scary processes of the criminal justice system. As a youth worker working in criminal justice I approach working with young people like I would any other young person regardless of what they have done. Youth workers are able to build trust with young people in ways other professionals have difficulty with and I bring those communication skills to every young person I work with. I help young people to move forward and achieve the outcomes they want and need to, to help them move forward positively with their lives.


ZILLO: What impact do you think youth workers have with young people?

Youth workers work in many diverse settings, some have very specific roles like helping young people with their emotional health or a drug issue and others work with young people in other way through, participation and engagement activities and projects. Youth workers are able to build really positive trust based relationships with young people. Often Youth Workers are one of the only positive adult influences in a young person’s life and we are able to help young people to get the support the right support advice.

ZILLO: What do role youth workers play helping young people?

Above all I believe Youth Workers are advocates of young people. This means we promote the rights of young people, we offer protection, advise, safeguard, act on behalf of young people promoting their needs, ability, opportunities, and celebrating the amazing achievements and skills young people offer their communities.


ZILLO: Do you have any advice for young people who may not know who their youth workers are?

Youth workers are out there they are trustworthy adults who will support you into any area you are struggling in. Find out who your youth workers are and when you need advice and support talk to them, they will be able to help you.

Find out more about the Youth Service available for young people


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