GCSE Results Day

young people hugging

Today is the day some of you will have been waiting excitedly for and for others dreading. This years GCSE results day will be a day unlike many before. COVID-19 made education difficult for young people around the country. For some of you it may have helped and for others made education difficult and may have had an impact on your overall learning.

If you don’t get the results you were expecting or hoping for (or you did as badly as you feared – though we hope that’s not the case), just REMEMBER the important rule: “Don’t Panic!”. It’s not the end of the world. There are always other ways to get where you want to go and people who can offer you help and advice. All you need to do is contact them.

Support is available through your school or college and don’t be afraid to ask them for some advice of support.

For local face to face and telephone careers support contact Career Connect - 58 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral. Tel: 0151 556 2620

If you are in need of further support the National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline are available to help today. They are available to chat today on 0800 100 900 open weekdays 8am-8pm Sat 10am-5pm.

You can ask these careers advisers whatever you like about your results. There’s no such thing as a question that’s too small or unimportant. It’s your life, so it IS important.

Yes, you can get undergraduate help for things like Clearing, Adjustment and other UCAS processes if you’ve just had the results for your A-levels or Highers.

You can also get advice on:

For those who may just need a bit of time to think and chat today why not pop down to Cafe Create in Pilgrim Street Arts Centre Birkenhead and chat to one of the youth workers, or speak to a counsellor.

If you need quick advice and support on your mental health and anxiety visit them in the HUB.

More information on careers following results day is available at youthemployment.org.uk


Birkenhead Festival


Free guided relaxation sessions at Cafe Create