G.C.S.E. Results Day 24/08/23

Chinese lucky cat ornaments waving

G.C.S.E. results day is tomorrow, 24th August - read on for help and advice if it doesn’t go to plan.

You might be celebrating tomorrow with all the GCSE results of your dreams.

Or, maybe you won’t.

Whatever your grades are tomorrow you can’t change it now, so if you are really worried, try and chill out.

Get a good sleep tonight and be prepared for the best and the worst news, and hopefully you will get somewhere in between.

Results are available from 8am and your school will be open most of the day for you to go in and collect them. If you have an adult that can go with you that might make it a bit easier if things have not gone to plan (even if they wait outside it can be good to have someone there for moral support). Meeting your friends as you collect can feel like a good plan but what if you or they don’t do as well as expected? People can feel very upset, jealous or embarrassed, it’s a highly emotional day so don’t feel offended if your friends want to go alone.

All the advice on line is to take your phone (as if you wouldn’t!) and your offer letters for your colleges or sixth forms so you can accept your place.

Don’t worry if you don’t get the results you wanted. The world isn’t going to stop turning if you don’t get 5’s in Maths and English. You can always resit. Accept your results and then have a positive plan for moving on.

If you do get all the results you wanted, or even got better ones, congratulations. Celebrate and enjoy your success (safely please).

Celebrate and get mentally prepared for A-Levels, BTEC’s, T-Levels, NVQ’s, or an apprenticeship as they say “the world is your oyster” (a saying that is often said to young people starting out on new adventures - and Oysters sometimes have a beautiful pearl inside).

The Student Room website has lots of really good information on about your options if you feel like you need some further help.


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Year 7