I.D.A.H.O.B.I.T May 17th

IDAHOBIT 2023 - “Together always: united in diversity”

May 17th is the globally recognised International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.

IDAHOBIT started in 2014 to raise awareness of the violence and discrimination that people in the LGBTQI+ communities experience all over the world. The date was chosen to commemorate the World Health Organisation’s decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1990.

Over the last decades LGBTQI+ people have fought hard to get equity and equal access to marriage, health care and parenting rights. This has been a long hard-fought battle and the work of those who came before LGBTQI+ people in the UK today should not be forgotten. However, it is not the same in all countries and many LGBTQI+ people face discrimination, fear, legal inequality and prosecution.

The aim of this year’s theme for IDAHOBIT Day will allow for support, advocacy and celebration for everyone who wants or needs it. Solidarity, allyship and connection across borders, time zones, countries and identities.

Uniting in all our diversity can and will bring about real change.

The campaign is asking people to stand together and send out a loud and clear message; Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia have no place in the world

What is that flag called?


# Anxious?
