Meet Archie: Wirral’s next Spielberg

Indiana Jones toy

Meet Archie, ZILLO Young Reporters, budding artist and toy photographer whose passion for cinema, comics, and storytelling fuels his creative projects.

ZILLO: Hi Archie, we love your art! Can you tell us what is toy photography is and how you got into it?

I got into toy photography through my uncle who is a photographer and he is really into comics the same as me. Toy photography is basically taking photos of toys and action figures and creating scenes and dioramas and then shooting photos that make the toys look human scale and realistic.

Archie's passion for filmmaking also shines through in his work. Inspired by directors like Steven Spielberg and Christopher Nolan, he is constantly exploring new techniques and experimenting with visual storytelling. From short films to experimental projects, Archie is eager to hone his craft and gain more experience in the world of filmmaking.

ZILLO: What do you like toy photography?

I get to be really creative and original. It’s something that is pretty neish so I feel like I can do something original and have fun.

ZILLO: What is your favourite part of the process.

I like to get outdoors and create scenes in natural environment such as the woodlands and parks. It’s really a creative thing to do and I can just do it when I get the inspiration. I really like the editing process like playing with the colours, lighting, and effects. I can spend hours loosing myself in this process and it is really creative.

ZILLO: What kind of equipment do you use?

I use a few different things like my SLR camera but I mostly use my phone because it has a great camera and its just quick and easy for me to get an idea out fast. I also do most of my photo editing on my phone because it’s just with me and I can work on a project anytime.

Looking to the future, Archie dreams of pursuing a career in the film industry, where he hopes to continue telling stories that inspire and captivate audiences worldwide. With his passion, creativity, and determination, there's no doubt that Archie's journey as a filmmaker and toy photographer is only just beginning.

ZILLO: Any tips for anyone interested in getting started?

Toy photography is just fun and you can use pretty much anything. You don’t need expensive toys at all you can pick toys up really cheap in charity shops. Any phone with a decent camera will work so just give it a go and get creative. It’s not the kind of photography your going to make millions doing but it’s a great step in to filmmaking and photgraphy plus you will learn loads about photography in the process. I’ve learned so much doing this that I hope will translate into larger projects.

ZILLO: Where can people see more of your work?

I have a toy photography page on Insta called: archiesteen_photography. I post loads of things there and keep it pretty regularly updated.

Looking to the future, Archie dreams of pursuing a career in the film industry, where he hopes to continue telling stories that inspire and captivate audiences worldwide. With his passion, creativity, and determination, there's no doubt that Archie's journey as a filmmaker and toy photographer is only just beginning.

As Archie continues to push the boundaries of his art, one thing is clear – his imagination knows no limits, and his talent is bound to take him far beyond the streets of Wirral. Keep an eye out for this young visionary, for his next masterpiece could be just around the corner.


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