Mutual Respect Manifesto

mutual respect manifesto group 2021

A group of young women aged 15-21 from Creative Youth Development have created their own Zine. The young people are part of a visual arts and photography project, and are based in Pilgrim Street Arts Centre, Birkenhead. They have been working on the project in partnership with GLOW Creative Learning and Open Eye Gallery.

The project aims to build young people’s self-esteem and confidence by developing their creative skills using photography and art. Usually the group meet weekly, but during lockdown all that changed, so during 2020 and 2021 the group had to move to meeting online. During the long weeks of lockdown, they were given challenges to create work for the Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool, exploring different types of love. Their work took many forms, including photography, creative writing, discussions, online workshops and so much more.

And so, the Manifesto for Mutual Respect was created. It is a collation of their creative experiences and thinking relating to the notion of mutual respect. We hope you enjoy it!

In addition to the Zine, the group also were part of an Instagram takeover with Open Eye and ran workshops at Open Eye Gallery for members of the public to create their own mini zine.


Creative Youth Development and GLOW Creative Learning offer creative opportunities to young people, these include visual arts and photography workshops, peer education training and lots more.  For more information contact


To find out more about what is on offer at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre visit the HUB


Youth In Focus: Georgia


Counselling @ the HUB