Youth In Focus: Georgia

ZILLO: Hi Georgia, tell us a bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests?

My name is Georgia and I was born in England, but I moved to Portugal and have lived there for the past 10 years before moving back to the Wirral. I have many interests and therefore I have a lot of hobbies but here are my top few; roller blading, reading, writing, photography and making art.

ZILLO: How did you get involved with the Young Reporters Project?

I got involved in the Young Reporters Project through my school; it was posted on my year’s Google classroom and it said about how it’s such a big opportunity to develop writing articles and to have fun and I just immediately thought that that was something I definitely wanted to do. 

ZILLO: How did you get involved with the Young Reporters Project? 

My school in Portugal organised a Junior Model United Nations with another international school and during the time we were all on online school so my geography teacher reached out to me because he thought it was my kind of thing. And he was right because I love to debate especially about the topics that were this year’s theme which was ensuring racial equality and the preservation of human rights. My given country was Australia and so I had to research  Australia’s history and involvement with these areas and I learnt so much about their laws, but especially how they deal with immigration which is really different from other countries I know about. So the most important thing I learnt from it was all about Australia but especially about how the United Nations worked and how countries can come together to decide on imperative matters and problems to try and fix them. It was such a fun experience that I would love to take part in again. 

ZILLO: We recently saw some of your drawings and you’re a really talented artist. What inspires your art?

I’m one of those lockdown artists, I did do art before the whole pandemic started of course but my art really made a leap this past year since I was doing it so often. I love to make art, it’s something I’m really passionate about and it’s so much fun to do. A lot of things inspire my art but it’s mainly what I watch and read. I draw many of my favourite characters from TV shows, movies and books. But I also get inspired by other artists I see. Like on Instagram and other social media platforms like that are brilliant to see other people’s art and it’s really nice to be able to learn from them. I actually have my own Insta account too, it’s


ZILLO: If you could meet any one person in history who would it be and why?

If I could meet one person in history it would be a hard decision because there’s so many interesting people to meet but in the end I’d have to pick Leonardo Da Vinci. I think it would be amazing to get to know him because he’s known as a genius in many areas such as art, and design technology. I want to know how is mind works and I’d get him to teach me all about his methods and ideas so I would be able to come back to the future and have all this knowledge about Da Vinci and be able to create things like he did.


ZILLO: How have you found taking part in the young reporters project and do you have any advice for other young people who might be considering joining a group but who might be feeling a bit nervous?

I have absolutely loved being part of this Project, it’s been an amazing experience so far and I cannot wait for the Project to continue and develop. And honestly, I was rather nervous about joining because I didn’t know anybody but that’s my advice for people who are thinking about joining a group. You’ve just got to go for it, you might not like it, you might not know anybody but you’ll never know if you don’t go and it may just be your new favourite thing and you might make new friends. 


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