New Directions: Wirral Met Web Dev students give their take on ZILLO

Wirral met Web development students

Foundation Degree Computer Science Students from Wirral Met have completed work on assignments to redesign and develop ZILLO.

Students from Wirral Met College have been instrumental in the design and development of the website you are reading now and our work with students from the college continued this year to look at the current functionality of ZILLO and to see how improvements can be implemented across the site.

The students were asked to produce a ‘dynamic’ website that, included a functional contact form, a content management system and user management system. The redesign and redevelop the website needed to be done in in HTML (Hyper Text Mark Up Language) which is the most basic building block of the web, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which is used to style and layout webpages and Javascript which is a dynamic programming language used for web development, basically coding.

Work on the assignment has completed and the young people are now publishing their websites.

Features and development from these websites is helping to inform the future of ZILLO and we can’t wait to see the finished work.


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