Be the Voice. Voice the Change. Change Your World.

Today we are announcing Wirral Youth Partnership. WYP is an incredible opportunity for 11 young people from Wirral to shape the future of Wirral.

Wirral Youth Partnership has been designed by young people for young people to enable young people to have a stronger voice in Wirral.

The Youth Partnership will be made up of 11 young people who can use their energy and passion to support important changes and decisions which impact on young people in Wirral and their families.

Each of the 11 young people who will sit on the Partnership will be elected to represent different portfolio areas (as identified by young people). These are:

  1. SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

  2. LGBTQ+ – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, plus

  3. Children Looked After and Care Leavers

  4. BAME– Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic

  5. Mental Health

  6. Environment

  7. Safeguarding (including youth justice)

  8. Poverty

  9. Technology

  10. Culture

  11. Education, Employment and training

What does it mean to be a Member of the Wirral Youth Partnership?

Being a Youth Partnership Member means you will collect and represent the views of other young people in WIRRAL on issues that matter to them and present them on a local, regional, and national level. 

You will not be based on a political party but stand only for young people.

You will be in placement for a 2-year term.

You will have passion to support and bring positive changes for young people in Wirral and be able to represent Wirral young people to the best of your ability, through training, meetings, presentations, campaigns, discussion, and debates. 

What will the role involve?

Members of the Youth Partnership will meet every 6 - 8 weeks. This meeting would be to discuss the issues you are representing, to share and work collaboratively with each other, officers from Wirral Council and partners organisations such as the NHS.

Members of the Youth Partnership would be expected to meet with other voice groups and young people in Wirral to hear their views and experiences. 

Members would represent views of the young people they represent with council officers, councillors, services and organisations. 

Members would support Wirral based youth campaigns, Wirral Youth Conference and Parliaments and take part in the wider local and national meetings based on the needs of the portfolio area. 

What support would I get?

Youth Partnership members would be supported with training and development opportunities as part of their role. 

You will have dedicated lead worker to support you in your role as Youth Partnership member for Wirral. Where appropriate they may accompany you to meetings, act as mentor and provide guidance. 

You can access help with financial support for any travel which relates to your role. 

As a member of the Youth Partnership, you will also have access to support in setting up meetings, conducting media campaigns and any other ideas you may have as a Partnership. 

How do I apply?

To apply you must be aged between 11 and 19 years old or up to 25 years old if you have a special educational needs and/or disability.

You can apply for up to two portfolio area, but you would only be voted in for one role (if voted first in 2 different roles, you would have to choose).

You will also need to ask a reliable adult to help you. 

(This cannot be an adult you live with or are related – a youth worker, social worker, lead worker, teacher, lecturer, advisor, uniformed worker, coach, can all be your reliable adult) 

They will support you in your application and write a reference.

For an informal chat about the role, please contact Seline Wakerley, Participation and Engagement Manager at Wirral Council 



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