Public Transport Summer Safety Campaign

Large billboard poster with an eyeball and text stating intrusive staring and leering no excuse

Do you feel safe on public transport?

A new campaign to help raise awareness and increase safety has been launched across Merseyside just in time for the summer holidays.

Sadly a survey delivered for Merseyside’s Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurell showed that over half of women using public transport in Merseyside did not feel safe.

The summer campaign is part of the Safer Streets Merseyside Project which aims to tackle Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG).

Emily Spureel is quoted in the Wirral Globe as saying “we are determined to make our region feel safer and be safer for women and girls, so I’m pleased we are once again rolling out our powerful visual campaign in time for the busy summer holidays, sending out a clear message once again that there is NO EXCUSE for sexual violence”

Some of the things women and girls have reported as being intimidating, threatening and scary include ‘catcalling’, ‘being targets of unwanted sexual comments’, and especially being touched without consent – sometimes called being ‘groped’.

Here at Zillo we know young people are also worried about other types of crime on public transport. If you are interested in campaigning or writing articles about safety please get in touch and we can put some plans together - your voice is important and deserves to be heard.

More details about the issues in the article in The Wirral Globe by Craig Manning


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