Starting school or going back after a break? Here's how you can get ready

Starting school or going back after a break can feel tricky, but there are ways to make it easier. Here's how you can get ready:


Talk about how you're feeling

It’s important to share how you feel about going back to school.  

- Even if you’re not too worried, it’s good to talk about it with someone you trust.  

- If you are feeling nervous, try to figure out what’s making you anxious. It helps to talk about it, and others can support you better if they know what’s bothering you.  

- Remember, it’s okay to have worries, and it’s great that you’re sharing them!

Sometimes, worries happen when things feel out of your control. Finding things you can control, like getting your school stuff ready, can make you feel better.  

- Think about what you might miss from being at home. Are you worried you won’t spend as much time with your family? Talk about this, and plan how you can still have special time together, even when school starts.


Let your teacher know 

If you have any worries, telling your teacher can help them understand how to support you better.

Manage your worries

If you notice that someone in your family is worried about you going to school, remind them to take care of themselves too. It’s important for everyone to feel good!  

When it’s time to go to school, try to stay positive, even if you’re a little nervous. Being calm and cheerful can make the day start off better.


Make a plan together

Getting enough sleep is super important, so start going to bed a bit earlier before school begins.  

- Plan your morning routine, like what time you’ll wake up, have breakfast, get dressed, and head out the door. Can you make it fun? Maybe create a morning playlist of your favorite songs!  

- Get your school bag packed the night before so there’s one less thing to worry about in the morning.  

- If you’re nervous about the journey to school, practice it a few times before the first day.


Handle anxious feelings

If you ever feel really nervous, it can help to make a list of things you enjoy doing, like drawing, reading, or playing a game.  

- You could also create a “soothing box” filled with items that make you feel calm, like something soft, something that smells nice, or a favorite snack.


Look forward to school

There are lots of things to be excited about when school starts!  

- You’ll get to see your friends again.  

- You might enjoy being more independent, like getting to school on your own.  

- Think about your favorite subject or teacher, or just getting back into a routine.


If you haven’t seen your friends over the break, try to meet up with them before school starts so it feels easier.


Check out Indigo’s September timetable…


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