Wirral’s Climate Comeback with Cool Youth
Wirral`s Young People Environmental group “COOL YOUTH” ’ will be hosting an Environmental takeover day of Wallasey Town Hall, all-day 09:00am-20:00pm on the 25th June 2025
for children and young people about the Wirral Environment.
This is a conference with a difference – it is designed and delivered by young people for young people.
The conference is an incredible opportunity for children and young people to build on their Environment skills, develop their voice in Wirral and feel empowered to participate in having a voice at local level about things that concern them about Wirral’s Environment.
The conference will be an all-day event on Wednesday 25th June 2025!
With the choice of two sessions:
Please save the date, share the attached invitation with young people you work with, and support and build up their excitement to be part the
WIRRAL`s Climate Comeback
If you wish to attend either as a School or Youth Group, as a professional to hold a stall or workshop please contact me via email: stephenhudson@wirral.gov.uk