A pair of rayban sunglasses sitting on the sand with the sae and blue sky in the background

The summer has well and truly landed here on Wirral. Thousands of people walked the 12.5 mile Wirral Coastal Walk on Sunday in the heat and raised money for their chosen charities. Let us know if you walked and what you were raising money or awareness for, and congratulations from Zillo for taking part.

Hand drawn orange coloured sunglasses against a bright yellow circlular background

Serious Sun Safety Advice may seem boring but the hot weather can really be a killer so make sure you follow these basic guidelines to have fun and stay in the sun longer safely!

Information and images in this article are from the


In the hot weather we are at risk of dehydration and even sunstroke.

Drinking water, juice, slushies or ice pops is a great way to top up our water. In the sun we sweat so we need to replace water to reduce the risk of heatstroke and dehydration.

Alcohol, although a fluid is actually a sure way to wee more than usual so AVOID ALCOHOL IN THE HOT WEATHER.

You may have heard of SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SEEK, SLIDE an Australian health campaign to reduce the numbers of skin cancers and sun related illnesses.

Slip on a SHIRT, Slop on factor 30+ SUN CREAM every 2 hours, Slap on a funky SUNHAT to shade your ace, ears and neck, Seek SHADE especially during the middle hours of the day when the sun is highest and hottest, and Slide on your SUNNIES - sunglasses help protect our eyes from the suns harms UV rays.

Hand drawn orange coloured suncream on a bright yellow circular background

In the past 30 years, cases of skin cancer have risen faster than any other types cancer in the UK. 

Getting sunburn just once every two years can triple your risk of skin cancer, compared to if you’ve never been burnt. More than two young adults (aged 15-34) are diagnosed with skin cancer every day in the UK. 

The damage done to your skin when you’re young could lead to skin cancer developing in later life, so it’s vital to get clued up now and protect yourself from the sun. 

Don’t panic just don’t forget SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SEEK, and SLIDE.

Enjoy the sunshine but don’t burn your skin or become dehydrated.

Hand drawn orange and yellow stripy tee-shirt on a bright yellow circular background

oh, and don’t forget your hat :)

Hand drawn orange and yello wsun hat on a bright yellow circular background

Feeling Well?


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